September/October 2019 Vintage Truck

The September/October 2019 issue of Vintage Truck magazine will soon be available on newsstands. Our cover story about a 1925 Maxwell Model 25 was written and photographed by Candace Brown.

An antique truck can carry its owners on a journey of connections—not only with the history it has touched, but also with the people from its past. Such a journey began in 2005 when Gerald “Jerry” and Judy Click bought an 80-year-old Maxwell Model 25 delivery truck to advertise their business.

The Clicks lived about 30 miles west of Houston, Texas, in a rural town called Fulshear, where they owned a small furnishings store. Fulshear forbade advertising signs in front of businesses, so Jerry Click had the idea of parking an eye-catching old truck on the street outside his store, maybe a pickup with something like a billboard in the bed. During his search, an advertisement for a Maxwell delivery truck grabbed his attention because he realized the commercial body’s flat sides had plenty of room for his store’s name.

From the photos, Click could see that the Maxwell’s seller, Allen Prame, had restored the truck with a sense of humor. Gold wording on its dark green paint advertised a fictitious Prohibition Era business called “Big Al’s Speakeasy Supplies” that promised “Roadhouse Deliveries.” Click could imagine it repainted to promote his own store.

September/October 2019 Vintage Truck

September/October 2019 Vintage Truck

“The only trouble was, I was in the airport, heading to Indonesia,” Click said. (He had another line of work at that time that required international travel.) “I called Allen and told him I was interested but going out of the country. He said, ‘No problem. I’ll wait until you get back.’”

Three weeks later, Click returned to the United States, said hello to his wife, and was on another plane within 12 hours, heading to Buffalo, New York. He drove a short distance to the home of Allen Prame and his wife of 67 years, Goldie. He bought the truck, but not until after Prame grilled him.

“He was interviewing me to see if I would be a good steward of his vehicle,” Click recalled.

Prame was right to be particular about the truck’s buyer—he had 1,900 hours of restoration time and years of memories invested in the Maxwell! He first heard of it at an Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) swap meet in Hershey, Pennsylvania, in the early 1970s. The seller’s father had bought the Maxwell new in Danbury, Connecticut, in 1925, so its full history was known.

To read more about our featured 1925 Maxwell 25, pick up a copy of the September/October 2019 issue of Vintage Truck magazine!

Articles in this issue include:

  • 39.5—That’s how many miles are on National Parts Depot’s 1970 Ford F-100 Explorer! By Robert Gabrick, Photos by Mark Dalton

  • More Than a Motorcycle, Less Than a Truck—Harley-Davidson Servi-Car and Indian Dispatch-Tow By Bill Siuru

  • Big Al—Jerry and Judy Click’s 1925 Maxwell Model 25 By Candace Brown

  • Sharp Cheyenne—Tim Quate’s 1972 Chevrolet K-10 By Candace Brown, Photos by Brad Bowling

  • National Drive Your Old Truck Day

  • Letter from the Editor

  • Letters to the Editor

  • Dodge Garage: 1979 Li’l Red Express

  • Independent Trucks: Jeep Treks

  • Delivery Designs: Studebaker Enters the Commercial Car Business

  • The Road Less Traveled: LaFrance Republic Trucks

  • Hey Loren!

  • Aid for the Anxious Amateur: The Donor Truck

  • Classifieds

  • Show Guide

  • Granny Gear: About a Bus

  • Gallery: Photo courtesy Lisa McDonald

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