Dodge Power Wagon Rally | June 2–8, 2024
/Every year for decades now, Dodge Power Wagon owners have flocked to Fairfield, Iowa. This past June 2–8 was no different. This year it was dubbed the 2024 Gordon Maney Memorial Dodge Truck Reunion.
Power wagons take over Downtown Fairfield, Iowa
Dodge Power Wagon Rally in Fairfield, Iowa
Folks from several states gather to enjoy “family time” with other Power Wagon enthusiasts.
Submitted by Joe Butner
Every year for decades now, Dodge Power Wagon owners have flocked to Fairfield, Iowa. This past June 2–8 was no different. This year it was dubbed the 2024 Gordon Maney Memorial Dodge Truck Reunion. Many of those who attend have been coming for the past 20-plus years. They come from Vermont, New Jersey, Virginia, Missouri, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Colorado, Minnesota, California, and more. There is a saying amongst this culture: “The first year, you come for the trucks; the next year, you come for the people.”
The word “family” is used very frequently at these truck rallies. Some bring more than one truck—many are fully restored show trucks and some have been restored mechanically and have retained the original exterior body patina.
Every day, there is a trail ride with lunch stop and/or visitation of local places of interest. In the evening, pizza and adult beverages at the Elks Lodge in town or Iowa Pork Chop Dinner at the Fairgrounds!
There are similar rallies in Kentucky, Vermont, West Virginia, and California every year. Everyone is welcome, even if you do not own a truck or a completed one. Lots of technical advice is passed around. There are many gifted and talented truck owners. They are very creative and nothing less than design and fabricating engineers. To put it simply, the skill level and the resulting effect on their trucks is nothing less than astonishing.
On the last day of the rally, there is a police-escorted parade through town to the town square. Many of the townspeople of Fairfield line the streets with big smiles on their faces, waving as the trucks pass by. There are many videos of past parades posted on YouTube. The trucks are parked in the town’s square, and the public enjoy a close-up look.
The end of this year’s event was much the same as all others. Many new friends were made. Great ideas were shared. Good food and events were enjoyed! Plans are already in the making for 2025.
A video highlighting the week-long event is posted on YouTube. Check it out! Dodge Power Wagon Reunion in Fairfield