Social Media Audience is Growing


Vintage Truck magazine’s loyal readers enjoy the old-school print magazine that we produce bi-monthly. Nothing beats flipping through the pages of a physical magazine. New folks are learning about our publication every day, and we hear from new readers that they wish they had subscribed years ago. With social media becoming more synonymous with brushing our teeth daily, it has nudged us out of our comfort zone. We do not want to be on social media just to say we are—we endeavor to be the leader in the industry when it comes to vintage truck-related stories. We are expanding our social media presence throughout 2020. We know Vintage Truck magazine is top-notch, and we want to share our passion with more and more folks. Facebook followers of Vintage Truck are mostly in the North American region but span globally. We want you, our faithful follower, to help us by sharing our passion for the history of old trucks and the days gone by. We are giving away to a random Facebook follower this great-looking, red Vintage Truck magazine hat—valued at $15.95! In order to be eligible to win, you must:

  1. “Like” this post on Facebook

  2. Share this post

  3. Tag 3 friends that need to be Vintage Truck fans!

We encourage you and all your friends to subscribe to the magazine at You are really missing out if you don’t! Get started today with 6 great issues!

The winner will be announced Friday, Feb. 14, 2020, at 12 pm EST.

Don’t forget to like our Facebook page at Vintage Truck Magazine.